Making Regular Visits To The Eye Doctor

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Never Run Out Of Contacts With These Four Tips

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If you wear contact lenses, you probably enjoy the convenience that comes from them. You never have to stop an activity to clean your glasses, and you don’t have to worry about your glasses being damaged while doing physical activities. The last thing you want is to suddenly find you’ve run out of contact lenses. Here are four tips that can help you prevent this: 1. Order a year’s supply of contacts. Read More»

Diabetic Retinopathy: Can You Keep Your Vision From Failing Completely?

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If you suffer from diabetes, you may go through a number of problems with your health, including diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy affects the delicate retinas in your eyes. If left untreated, diabetic retinopathy can lead to permanent eye damage or vision loss. Here are things to know about your eye condition and how you can keep your vision from failing completely. Why Do You Have Diabetic Retinopathy? Diabetes develops when your blood sugar levels become higher than normal. Read More»

3 Benefits Of Using An Eye Surgeon For Cosmetic Eye Procedures

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If you are planning on a cosmetic eye procedure, like botox injections, you may be considering a variety of options. There are cosmetic professionals that are certified to do the injections and other procedures. Though this is a valid option, there is one option that many people overlook. Many eye surgeons offer botox consultations, as well as other cosmetic procedures, in their offices. Before you schedule your procedure, here are three benefits of using an eye surgeon to consider. Read More»

Do You Have Digital Eye Strain? 4 Symptoms And Prevention Tips

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Digital eye strain is caused by staring at tech devices such as tablets, smart phones, computers and televisions. Your eyes can get strained as you are staring without blinking. You may end up with an astigmatism or could also have other health issues. Read on for symptoms of digital eye strain and what you can do to prevent it. Digital Eye Strain Symptoms If you’re using digital devices throughout the day, you may be susceptible to digital eye strain or worsening vision. Read More»

Focus On These 2 Factors When Choosing Eyeglasses

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Whether necessary for reading and writing or for use all through the day, prescription lenses are an important part of many people’s lives. As a matter of fact, an estimated 61 percent of the population needs prescription eyeglasses, contact lenses, or other visual aids. If you will be joining the growing number of individuals who need vision correction, you are most likely overwhelmed by the different types of glasses and frames available. Read More»

What Can Really Hurt Your Eyes?

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When it comes to making sure you keep your eyes healthy, you want to make sure you can tell the difference between myths and truths. This way, you know you are following the right advice for eye care and not wasting your time and effort in the wrong areas. Here are some of the things you should know about your eyes and what really can and can’t hurt them: Sitting close to the television won’t ruin your eyes Read More»

Why It's A Good Idea To See Your Eye Doctor Yearly

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If you don’t need glasses or your vision has remained steady for years, it might seem like it’s okay to put off seeing your eye doctor. The reality is, visiting your eye doctor as often as they recommend - typically yearly - is due to a variety of reasons that can help to protect your vision and the health of your eyes. Read on to learn why it’s imperative that you don’t skip your regular check-ups with your eye doctor. Read More»

Sore Eyes In Front Of The Computer? 3 Ways To Reduce Discomfort

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Most people now spend a great deal of time in front of computers and other electronics on a daily basis. While these devices can be extremely helpful in daily life, they can also take a toll on your eyes. If you’re experiencing discomfort while using the computer, you don’t have to suffer. Here are three tips to help reduce the feeling of sore eyes while using a computer or any other electronic. Read More»

What Happens During Your Comprehensive Eye Exam

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It’s important for you to get in for your annual eye exam so you can rule out newly developing vision problems. Sometimes these problems can sneak up on you and you may not even notice that you are having a problem seeing because you learn to adjust to a certain point since eye problems can progress at such a slow rate. Here is what you can expect at your comprehensive eye exam: Read More»

Why Are You Waking Up With Bloodshot Eyes?

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Waking up to find that your eyes are red and bloodshot is never fun. If your eyes are also exuding yellow or green discharge, then you need to make a doctor’s appointment as you likely have pinkeye. However, if your eyes are just red and slightly irritated with no discharge – and the redness disappears throughout the day before reappearing the next morning – one of these other causes is probably to blame. Read More»