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What Happens During Your Comprehensive Eye Exam

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It's important for you to get in for your annual eye exam so you can rule out newly developing vision problems. Sometimes these problems can sneak up on you and you may not even notice that you are having a problem seeing because you learn to adjust to a certain point since eye problems can progress at such a slow rate. Here is what you can expect at your comprehensive eye exam:

You should expect to be in the office for about an hour

Keep in mind that if you go in for your exam when there are a lot of other people also waiting for their eye exams, then you can be in there longer. It is generally best to set your appointments up for first thing in the morning or first thing after lunch. This way, you know that you are going to be one of the first people to be called back for your exam.

You will be asked to read an eye chart

Most people are already more than familiar with these eye charts. They are the ones with letters or shapes that start out large at the top and get smaller as they go down toward the bottom. You will be asked to cover one eye and read the lines as far as you can go, then you will switch eyes. This helps the optometrist to figure out where your vision is.

You may be tested for the possibility of color blindness

If the optometrist has a reason to be concerned about the possibility of color blindness, such as you wondering if you are having issues with colors or there being a history of color blindness in your family, you will be asked to spot items in pictures made of different colored bubbles.

You will be given a refraction test

A refraction test is done by having you look through a machine that is moved close to your head. You will look at different letters or pictures while the optometrist asks you to tell them when the picture looks clearer. They will check both eyes in this manner. This is the part of the eye exam that can take the longest. It is also a very important part of the exam. It is what helps them to determine your exact prescription if you end up needing to wear corrective lenses.

You may be given a glaucoma test

This test will blow a small puff of air at your eyes and tell the optometrist whether or not you may have glaucoma.

For more information, contact local professionals like Cornea Consultants of Nashville.
